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Kopperguard™ antimicrobial HAND RAILS kills greater than 99.9% of Bacteria* within 2 hours of contact
All Kopperguard™ products are made from CuVerro® antimicrobial copper and registered with EPA as the only solid Antimicrobial Surface
Incorporation of Kopperguard™ antimicrobial product into your facility can help reduce the bacteria* that cause infections
Available in a brushed rose gold finish that elegantly lets everyone know the steps you have taken to provide continuous protection against disease-causing bacteria*
Antimicrobial protection never looked so good!
Offered in 18”, 24”, 32”, 36” sizes for easy installation so no area is left unprotected
$325.00 – $425.00
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Model number: ECG-903 (Three channel)
Three channel ECG with interpretive
Build in rechargeable Li battery
Chinese/English language
Simultaneous 12 leads
320X240 graphic LCD, 3.8 inch screen
Paper size: 63mmX20/30m
Built in RS232 interface (USB is optional)
128 patients save/copy/communication
The Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS delivers superior sensitivity for trace level analysis with performance specifications in
Signal-to-Noise ratio (S/N) and Instrument Detection Limit (IDL). IDL is a rigorous, statistically based metric that indicates practical
sensitivity performance of your quantitative assays. The Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS achieves sensitivity and resolution
specifications with autotune.
The Pippin Prep facilitates library construction for the most popular NGS platforms, and is recommended by Illumina and Ion Torrent for certain workflows. The platform features the ability to collect narrow and even fragment distributions, as well as the flexibility to collect wide ranges of fragments with minimal effort. Target sizes or ranges of sizes are entered in software, and fractions are collected in buffer. Up to 5 samples per gel cassette may be run, with no possibility of cross contamination
The 24″ tall, 7 1/4″ diameter tank comes filled with 13 lbs. of our exclusive ion-exchange resins that remove minerals from the water through a process that binds them to the resin. Because the majority of the impurities are dissolved, deionization produces highly purified water, so no more spots! The two valves control the water flow through the filter. This allows you to bypass the filter when it is not needed to prolong the life of the resin. Add our Stainless Steel Quick Disconnect Set for faster, easy use. The life of the resin depends upon the amount of total dissolved solids (TDS) in your water. Want to know your TDS level? Check out our easy-to-use TDS Meter. The replacement resin is safe, disposable, and easy to install.
American Applied Biosystems, known for its technological innovation, recently launched the new 3500 Series Genetic Analyzers, setting a completely new standard for capillary electrophoresis. It integrates a series of platform innovations designed for optical and thermal systems, opening up an innovative consumable system. The common superposition of these elements makes 3500 Series products the gene analyzers of the highest performance ever.
Autoclaves are also known as steam sterilizers and are typically used for healthcare or industrial applications. An autoclave is a machine that uses steam under pressure to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores on items that are placed inside a pressure vessel. The items are heated to an appropriate sterilization temperature for a given amount of time. The moisture in the steam efficiently transfers heat to the items to destroy the protein structure of the bacteria and spores.
The costs of an autoclave can vary greatly because of the various uses and applications of this technology. Industrial and pharmaceutical autoclaves are customized and manufactured for a specific use and therefore costs are likely to differ compared to autoclaves you find in a hospital or dental office.
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